Parallelle projekte in der stadt Münster 1997 (1997)

Artist Book from a parasite project in Münster 1997

Downloadable from Agency of Unrealized Projects

At my final year in the Academy I went to Münster to show my projects with Yellow Light. Should I wait till I am 60 to be invited or just go to the party uninvited? Kasper König made it clear to me in his office at Landesmuseum that this was a private project, and I accepted that. I went around Münster on a bike and some places were peculiarly familiar. I recognized the sites were Thomas Struth had made his photoseries in 1987 project. I polaroided them and some more places, among them the exellent Reinhardt Mucha proposal site from 87, the vitrine in front of the Landesmuseum.

My idea was originally to make a serie of Unrealized projects as shown in the attached PDF, but then the buzz of Münster this spring, made me want to realize one project, in a pavillion kindly lent to me by the Bihöflicher Priesterseminar at Überwassekirchplatz. I went home to school for 4 days, made a catalogue, poster and pressrelease, went back to Münster to start installing. Even though I managed to install, vernissage and promote my project, it was never really strong, partly due to the light summer evenings and some rush decisions.

The experience was overwhelming and the total project summarized was sucessful. I went to the press conference with 10 prepared press kits. But there were 3000 journalists and I didn't really know who was who. I ended up giving my book to Daniel Burén, the Kabakovs and Lawrence Weiner which I knew the face of. Project is further described in the attched PDF

All images and illustrations, text and production by the artist.

Released on the Artist own label: NORSK SOKKEL TN FORLAG
ISBN: 82-994301-0-0